Writing a resume is not easy. Layout is very important, but content is even more important. Here are some resources to help you get started writing a resume.
Resume styles have changed a lot over the years. Different careers often lean toward different styles. The content that is being put into the resume is the best clue as to which general style might be appropriate.
Start by gathering all of your work and educational experience. This list should include job titles, dates, responsibilities, as well as accomplishments, awards or recognitions. Then create a list of volunteer positions you have held and other skills that would relate to the position you want.
Next write a sentence or two about the type of job you are looking for. Write a list of possible job titles. Think about companies who might have these types of jobs.
Where to find resume examples
Another step in the process is to look at a variety of examples of resumes. This will start to give you an idea of the many ways you can present your skills. Different styles focus on different areas such as education or awards. Each person will have a different set of experiences to highlight.
Word Processor templates
Word processors all have templates which are document structures to get a person started. Here are the resume templates from Google Docs and Microsoft Word.
Google search – Images

How to Choose a Layout?
The kind of job you are looking for, as well as the kind of experience you have, will determine the best resume layout for you. Is your education your strongest suit? Have you had many jobs of a similar nature? Have you had long periods without a job?
The post Does This Resume Make Me Look Old, from Kathy Vines’ Career Blog discusses what a resume may say about you. These are important aspects to keep in mind.
Here is a good Resume Format Guide from Indeed, the job listing website.
GCF is a website that SDM recommends for many easy to use lessons, and their resume writing tutorial is here.
How to type a resume?

Either a blank document or a template can be used to type a resume. When using a template, feel free to make changes to every aspect of the document. A template is intended to be a starting place, not something that must be followed rigorously.
There is plenty of free text editing software available if you don’t have a copy on your device. We have other blog posts comparing these.
There are rules to remember. There are always exceptions, but generally these rules will keep your resume clean and easy to read.
- Do not use too many multiple fonts
- Keep the resume as short as possible and leave white space on the page
- Use minimal color
- Don’t add pictures
- Use appropriate wording from job descriptions
How to share a resume?
A resume needs to get into the right hands. First, give the document a proper name. It might be your full name, or perhaps your name and a year. If you have several version of your resume, they must have different names. If you have a resume called JaneD – 2020 – sales, you will probably want to rename it to JaneD – 2020 when you actually send it to someone.
Always save the document as PDF. This is the accepted document type for exchange. If you send an editable document to someone, their view of it may not match your view. You also don’t want people to be able to edit your resume in any way. A PDF document will display the same on any device it is viewed on.
Each job application will specify the way to share your resume. It may be to upload it, email it, or print and mail it. Once you have a PDF copy with a meaningful name, you can do any of these things.
There is no perfect resume. Every resume needs to be updated regularly. If you are not getting the responses you want, an edit of your resume is an easy change to try. Let us know if you need help editing your resume. We can show you tips for getting formatting just right.