Recently, SDM described websites for online learning. Here are some GCF Learn Free lesson examples to show you why we chose them.
As we mentioned before, the GCF website is easy to navigate. Their lessons are easy to read and have copious video backup. Here are a few of their lesson series to give you an idea.
Languages Other Than English
One of the strengths of the GCF Learn Free lesson examples is that they are available in many languages. Here is a list of at least 10 additional languages, and which lessons are available in each.

Job Hunting
What we found most useful about the Job Hunting lesson series at the GCF website, is that it covers the entire process from start to finish. Watch videos or read lessons about creating a resume or searching for jobs online for example.
Here is the lesson link –
Or if you want to skip directly to the YouTube video playlist, click here.

Excel Formulas
We teach how to write mathematical formulas in a spreadsheet all the time, but it isn’t always easy. The GCF lesson series Excel Formulas utilizes real world examples that make the process easier to understand.
GCF Lesson link –
YouTube playlist link –

Typing Tutorials
There are many good typing tutorials online, and the GCF tutorial is a good one. This lesson series is a good example of the depth of the GCF offerings. Sign into the site to save your progress over many days.
GCF Lesson link –
YouTube playlist link –
Digital Media Literacy
Digital Media Literacy means different things to different people. In the GCF Learn Free lesson example, it means learning to judge online content constructively. Find out how to identify ads and manipulated content, as well as identify legitimate sources. This type of lesson series is a great reminder for all of us!
GCF Lesson link –
YouTube playlist link –

When you look over these GCF Learn Free Lesson examples, we think you will understand why we recommend it so highly.
For help with this process, just call or email and we’ll be happy to assist you! If you have specific questions, or if our terminology isn’t clear, please use our contact form to send us a message. Thank you!