Helpful Shortcuts to Navigate Your Browser Faster

There are certain tasks that we all do regularly when browsing online; opening a new tab, opening a new window, searching on a page. Learn some shortcuts to navigate your browser faster.

Note: All of these shortcuts work in Google Chrome, but some may not work as well in other browsers such as Firefox or Safari.

Also, all of them work in both Windows and Mac OS, but you have to use Control if you are in Windows, and Command⌘ if you are in MacOS.

Here is a list of shortcuts to navigate your browser faster:

  • Open a new tab – [Control/Command⌘ + T]
  • Close your current tab – [Control/Command⌘ + W]
  • Find in page, allow you to search for a certain word in phrase anywhere in the page – [Control/Command⌘ + F]
  • Open you most recently closed tab – [Control/Command⌘ + Shift + T]
  • Close your entire window – [Control/Command⌘ + Shift + W]
  • Open a new window – [Control/Command⌘ + N]

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