Massachusetts is reopening offices and stores after the COVID-19 shutdowns. SDM is now beginning the process of reopening the shop while making sure we are keeping staff safe. Here is an explanation of what we are doing, and why.

The days of a full shop buzzing with activity are behind us. The new normal brings with it social distancing, hand-washing, and a renewed sense of what constitutes safety. The SDM Shop at 465 Main Street in Melrose MA will be opening to staff soon and we want to make sure we all know what to expect.
For more information about measures to ensure client safety, see our blog post – Reopening: Keeping Clients Safe.
Following the Guidelines
SDM will follow all state and federal guidelines for keeping staff safe as outlined here.
- CDC Business Guidelines – May 2020
- Commonwealth of MA Reopening Guidelines – Office Spaces
- Commonwealth of MA Reopening Guidelines – Retail
- City of Melrose MA COVID information hub
Keeping a distance between people, wearing masks, washing hands and surfaces, and not touching faces are the main methods of ensuring safety. The main changes we will use for keeping staff safe fall into general categories:
Changes in the Shop
- The front door will be kept locked in order to monitor who comes into the shop.
- We will clean all table and counter surfaces, equipment in use, door knobs, light switches, etc. multiple times during the day, and at the end of the day.
- Each staff member is responsible for cleaning the equipment they use during the day. This will be done immediately after they are done with it and before it is put it away.
- Hands will be washed before and after each client, upon entering the building, and at other times during the day as needed.
- The phone will be assigned to one primary person each day. If needed by anyone else, it must be cleaned before and after.
- We will minimize the handling of equipment by more than one staff member each day.
- Any equipment, both SDM’s and the staff’s, that is brought into the shop will be cleaned immediately upon entrance of the shop.
- We will move furniture to aid social distancing and assist with cleaning.
- No shared food or drinks.

The shop has been reconfigured to provide fewer work stations that are further apart. There is no seating area in the front of the shop.
Keeping Distance
In order to maintain a safe distance and reduced occupancy, the following rules will be in place.
- Maximum staff in shop will be 2 to start with. We will move to 3 staff members when we deem it appropriate.
- Other staff members will continue to work from home and provide assistance via email, phone and video.
- Staff should maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet from each other, and from clients whenever possible.
- Everyone in the shop must have a mask with them at all times (see details below)
- Staff is expected to wash hands regularly with soap. Hands-free soap dispensers are located at the sinks.
Masks and other Equipment
- Everyone in the shop must have a mask with them at all times.
- Masks must be clean at the start of each day.
- Staff may use their own masks, or they may use one of the SDM provided washable masks.
- When meeting with a client, a mask will be worn at all times by both people.
- Face shields will be provided for staff who choose to wear it in addition to a mask.
- When walking around the shop, a mask must be worn
- If there are more than 3 people in the shop, masks must be worn at all times
- When there are 1 – 3 staff in the shop and no clients, and all staff are working at a distance of at least 10 feet, and not moving around the shop, then masks can be removed.
- Staff can work or take a break in the basement without a mask (1 staff member at a time).
- Gloves will be made available but they are not required. Hand washing is the preferred method.
- Gloves can be used when cleaning, or when handling client equipment.
- Overall health – anyone with a fever of 100+, a cough, sore throat, or any other symptoms that indicate sickness, will be required to stay home until all symptoms have been resolved for a minimum of 2 days without medication.
- Staff members are encouraged to take their temperature before leaving home each day. A hands-free thermometer will be available at the shop.
- If a staff member tests positive for Coronavirus, the shop will close for a minimum of two weeks.
- Staff are encouraged to be tested for the virus and/or antibodies if a test is made available to them
We hope these guidelines show that we at SDM are taking our staff and our client’s health very seriously. If you have questions or concerns about how we are keeping staff safe, please contact us. Thank you.